March 28, 2025

Concealed Pistol Permit Laws (Summary)

Concealed Pistol Permit Laws (Summary)

The bearer of a concealed pistol permit may carry a concealed pistol anywhere in South Dakota except where prohibited by law. Examples of such prohibited circumstances are listed below.

No person may possess a firearm in a county courthouse. (SDCL 22-14-23) This law allows for certain exceptions to this prohibition. A concealed pistol permit is not a defense to SDCL 22-14-23.

No person may possess a firearm on elementary or secondary school premises, including in vehicles. (SDCL 13-32-7)

No person may carry a firearm while on a snowmobile unless the firearm is completely unloaded and completely encased. (SDCL 32-20A-11)

No person may carry a firearm while on a motorcycle unless that person has a concealed pistol permit. (SDCL 32-20-6.6)

No person may carry a firearm with the intent to commit a felony. (SDCL 22-14-8)

No person may discharge a weapon from a moving vehicle or at a moving vehicle or at an occupied structure. (SDCL 22-14-20 & 21)

No person may possess a firearm while intoxicated. (SDCL 22-14-7)

No person may possess a firearm while in an alcohol establishment which derives over one half of its income from the sale of malt or alcoholic beverages. (SDCL 23-7-8.1)

No person may possess a firearm with an altered serial number. (SDCL 22-14-5)

No person may provide a weapon to another person prohibited from such possession. (SDCL 22-14-16)

A concealed pistol permit is not required to possess a weapon in a person’s own home, property or place of business. (SDCL 22-14-11)

A concealed pistol permit is not carry a pistol which is 1) in a trunk or other closed compartment of a vehicle, or 2) in a closed container which is too large to be effectively concealed on the person or within his clothing. (SDCL 22-14-10)

A person carry a concealed pistol in another state subject to the laws of that state. South Dakota currently has reciprocity agreements with the following states:

Reciprocity has been established with the following states:






Florida (including non-resident permits)*











North Carolina*

North Dakota (including non-resident permits)



Tennessee (including non-resident permits)*


Utah (including non-resident permits)*

Virginia *

West Virginia*


*Only SD permits issued to those who are 21 years of age or older are recognized.

Concealed weapons permit holders are responsible for checking with the proper authorities prior to carrying concealed weapons.

For more information on reciprocity agreements, contact the South Dakota Secretary of State at (605) 773-3537 or their website at

The above information is intended to be of assistance in understanding South Dakota firearms laws. It is not intended to be a complete list of firearm laws. any person possessing firearms shall be responsible for knowing and obeying state and federal firearm laws.