March 29, 2025

County Ordinances


Notice of Adoption Ordinance 23-003 23-004 And Ordinance of Union County, SD, amending the 2008 revised zoning regulations for Union County, SD, by amending Article 6: Agricultural District, Section 603: Conditional uses; Article 14: Additional use regulations; Article 17: Parking and Loading regulations, Section 1702; Off-Street parking requirements; and Article 26: Definitions, Section 2602: Definitions.

Ordinance No UCC 2023-004 An Ordinance of Union County, SD, amending the 2008 revised zoning regulations for Union County, SD, by amending article 26: Definitions, Section 2602: Definitions

Ordinance No UCC 2023-003 An Ordinance amending the 2008 revised zoning regulations for Union County, SD, by amending Article 6: Agricultural District, Section 603: conditional uses; Article 14: Additional use regulations; Article 17: parking and loading regulations, section 1702: Off-Street parking requirements; and Article 26: Definitions, Section 2602: Definitions

UCC#2023-001 An Ordinance to amend the 2008 revised zoning regulations for Union County, South Dakota, to rezone certain property from residential (R) to commercial (C).

UCC#2021-0010000 An Ordinance amending the 2014 flood damage prevention ordinance for Union County, South Dakota, Article III, Section B. March 3, 2021

UCC#2021-0020000 An ordinance to amend the 2008 revised zone certain property from Agricultural (AG) to Commercial (C) May 19, 2021

UCC#2021-0030000 An Emergency ordinance regarding the issuance of Medical Cannabis Establishments Licenses July 1, 2021

UCC#2021-0040000 An Emergency Ordinance prohibiting the smoking of cannabis in public places June 28, 2021

UCC  #2021-005  An Ordinance to amend the 2008 revised zoning regulations for Union County, South Dakota, to rezone certain property from Agricultural (AG) to Commercial (C). November 3, 2021

UCC #2021-006 An Ordinance to amend the 2008 revised zoning regulations for Union County, South Dakota, to rezone certain property from Agricultural (AG) to Commercial (C). November 3. 2021

UCC #2021-007 An Ordinance regulating Medical Cannabis Establishments. December 15, 2021

UCC #2021-008 An Ordinance prohibiting the consumption or smoking of cannabis in public places. December 15, 2021


Ordinance # & Link Title / Subject Date Passed
UCC 2017-001 An Ordinance adopting to amend the land use development ordinance 11/24/2015
UCC 2015-003 An Ordinance adopting the revised official zoning map 11/24/2015
UCC 2015-002 An Ordinance to increase wheel tax 08/18/2015
UCC 2015-001 An Ordinance amending the 2008 revised zoning regulations 08/18/2015
UCC 2014-004 An ordinance of Union County, SD, amending the 2008 revised zoning ordinance of Union County by repealing section 1108, flood damage prevention ordinance and enacting the 2014 flood damage prevention ordinance for Union County 08/19/2014
UCC 2014-003 An ordinance to amend the land use development ordinance of Union County, South Dakota, from agricultural to commercial zoning 08/19/2014
UCC 2014-002 An ordinance to amend the land use development ordinance of Union County, South Dakota, from agricultural to commercial zoning. 02/04/2014
UCC 2014-001 An Ordinance to amend the land use development ordinance of Union County, South Dakota, from energy center planned development district to agricultural. 02/04/2014
UCC 2013-001 An ordinance pursuant to SDCL 7-8-20(10) to allow for the use of golf carts in the geographic boundaries of any improvement district located in Union County. 01/02/2014
UCC 2012-003 An ordinance for the continued authorization of a 911 emergency reporting system. 01/23/2013
UCC 2012-002 An ordinance to amend the land use development ordinance of Union County, South Dakota, to zone certain property to light industrial (LI). 09/05/2012
UCC 2012-001 An ordinance to amend the land use development ordinance of Union County, to rezone certain property from agricultural (AG) to Commercial (C). 05/02/2012
UCC 2011-004 2011 Revised Subdivision Ordinance of Union County, South Dakota 11/09/2011
UCC 2011-003 Ordinance is to amend the land use development ordinance of Union County, South Dakota, to rezone certain property from Agricultural (AG) to Rural Residential (RR) 08/31/2011
UCC 2011-002 Ordinance is enforce a curfew in Dakota Dunes. 07/13/2011
UCC 2011-001 Ordinance is to permit a reasonable access to the road from abutting lands as is compatible with the principals as set forth in the following. 04/19/2011
UCC 2010-004 Ordinance to Amend the land use development ordinance of Union County, SD, to rezone certain property from agricultural (AG) to rural residential (RR). 11/30/2010
UCC 2010-003 Ordinance Amending the 2008 revised zoning ordinance for Union County, SD, by amending Article 22, Section 2204, Conditional Uses, and Section 2205, Variances 09/07/2010
UCC 2010-002 Ordinance to Amend Land Use 03/24/2010
UCC 2010-001 Ordinance to Amend Land Use 03/24/2010
UCC 2008-003 Ordinance to Amend Land Use 11/05/2008
UCC 2008-002 Ordinance to Establish the 2008 Revised Zoning Regulations for Union County 11/12/2008
UCC 2008-001 Ordinance to Amend Land Use 04/10/2008
UCC 2007-002 2007 Revised Subdivision Regulations for Union County 02/27/2007
UCC 2007-003 Ordinance providing for the process and requirements of an interested party to apply and complete for a Liquor License in Union Count 04/10/2007
UCC 2006-001 Highway Right of Way 01/31/2006
UCC 2006-002 Ordinance providing for an Enhanced 911 Emergency Telephone Reporting System 08/15/2006
UCC 2005-003 Ordinance pursuant to SDCL 7-8-20(10) prohibiting certain persons subject to sexual offender registration requirements of SDCL 22-22-31 from residing in certain areas of the county and establishing a penalty for a violation in Union County, SD. 12/29/2005
UCC 2005-002 Control of Vicious Animals as a Public Menace 11/08/2005
UCC 2005-001 Establish and Maintain a County Jail in order to prevent smuggling and possession of illegal and/or contraband items in the Union County Jail 11/08/2005
UCC 2004-01 Ordinance to Amend Land Use 06/08/2004
UCC 2003-02 Ordinance for the Declaration and Abatement of Public Nuisance 06/25/2003
UCC 2003-01 Ordinance to Amend Land Use 04/29/2003
CC 02-002 Ordinance to Amend Land Use 07/29/2002
CC 02-001 Ordinance for Overweight Vehicle Permits for County Roads 03/19/2002
UCC 1998-002 Union County Addressing Ordinance ?
UCC 1998-001 Ordinance to Amend Land Use 02/10/1998
UCC 1997-003 Ordinance to Amend Land Use 08/26/1997
UCC 1997-002 Ordinance to Amend Land Use 07/29/1997
UCC 1997-001 Ordinance to Amend Land Use 04/22/1997
UCC 1996-006 Ordinance to Amend Land Use 01/28/1997
UCC 1996-005 Ordinance to Amend Land Use 11/19/1996
UCC 1996-004 Ordinance to Amend Land Use 10/15/1996
UCC 1996-003 Ordinance to Amend Land Use 06/10/1996
UCC 1996-002 Ordinance to Amend Land Use 04/09/1996
UCC 1996-001 Amend Zoning Map 02/06/1996
UCC 1995-002 Ordinance to Amend Land Use 11/07/1995
UCC 1995-001 Ordinance to Amend Land Use 10/10/1995
UCC 1994-002 Ordinance to Amend Land Use 01/19/1995
UCC 1994-001 Ordinance to Amend Land Use – Rejected by Referral 01/05/1995 – Rejected 03/21/1995
UCC 1993-001 Basic 911 Emergency Telephone 02/16/1993
UCC 1992-001 Ordinance to Amend Land Use 06/23/1992
UCC 1992-001 Ordinance to Amend Land Use 06/23/1992
UCC 1988-001 Poor Relief Guidelines 02/14/1995
UCC 1986-001 Ordinance Amending the County Wheel Tax 09/01/1995
UCC 1986-001 Ordinance establishing a Wheel Tax and Amendment 09/18/1986
UCC 1986-001 Resolution – Collection and Distribution of Wheel Tax 09/02/1986
Appendix A Indigence Standards for Union County ?